Monday, October 26, 2009

finally got ILL

hey again babezz!!
it s lil ufo of course :P finally back from the ultimatelly exotic city of V(k)olos [this one was for u teo]; and from another super unique Time To Get Ill ( colourfull ultra fabulous Partaaayy!!
For the ones who missed it; ur beloved cute lil babe couldn't leave you like this; so here's a lil sth to get the feeling; although i wouldn't like you to become slightly green with envy- (no matter how much in fashion this is; according to Michael Kors of course) :P So c u at the next party!until then..think pink darlings ouou!! xx

ps. more pics are yet to come so stay tuned :P
ps1. if u waNNA catch some sort of illness :P Time To Get Ill : ,

Friday, October 16, 2009

here comes THE party darlings

hey babezz

as i may have informed you i m a huuuuge party crasher; so for next friday cancel all your jobs- duties; all your tiny winny lil somethins; anything unpleasant(a.k.a. unnecessary) that you feel obliged to do; cause the one and only; the Famous (well almost gettin there :P) "Time to Get ill" party team is back with one more superlicious extravaganza hyper spectacular occasion; or should i say the-best-thing-since-sliced-bread-ultra-Partaaaay!! Babezz; introducing THE PARTYLAND..

c ya all there sweethearts xx

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


i dont know about you; but when it comes to me sleeping - 0k i usually sleep anywhere- but no matter where i am trying to catch a nap you ll never find me without an ipod or listening to music tonight's song is this

sweet dreams babezz <33

Sunday, October 4, 2009

GI Yoooo

Hey there Babezz!!Me again!!
went to the movies yesterday with ma friends Toolie and Joe.. Now if the movies you prefer watchin tend to have a certain style; like -usa loves us/ has the best army blah blah.. bad guys sufferin; while your eyes and brain Bleeding from the dont-even-dare-to-number special effects; shiny chests and boobs flyin all ovah the screen; submarines-spaceships-airplanes all in one crashing everywhere and in the end the good guy always gets the girl etc (pardon me for being overdramatic i just cant help it :P); then GI Joe is the movie you definately need to watch!!If u havent already:P Well; at this point i should probably mention that Joseph Gordon Levitt is quite a pleasant suprise as Doctor Cobra; but Sienna Miller really needed a nicer pair of sunglasses..I mean the person who designed them; totally took the whole matrix 90's style to the next level in an obviously wrong way..On the other side; maybe it was just the costumier that hated her! Anywayz, speakin of science fiction movies there's still a lil sth i 'ld like to add. And that sth is soooo dedicated to my dearest friend Cyr! Mad Max rulez!! take care darlings xx

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hey there!!

hi babezz :)
this is my first time blogging so for now i don't think that i have much to say; except of course from the fact; that i'm a sucker for parties :P c ya laterz aligatorz xx